Get our tool package
The ZBH-AMD Software Server is the entry point to access our software collection named 'NAOMI ChemBio Suite'.
There is a general policy that our software is freely available for academic use and evaluation purposes.
We are also offering a license for fee for non-academic use. The license contracts for all scenarios can be previewed here:
A summary description of all tools currently included as well as licensing conditions and prices for non-academics can be found in our annual Booklet.
The NAOMI ChemBio Suite is available for academic and non-academic use. Academic use and a one-month evaluation is offered free of charge. ‘Academic use’ means that you are working at an academic institution and use the software internally and within academic collaborations only (see below for a detailed definition of academic use). For non-academic use we are offering a license for an annual fee. Furthermore, several of our tools are available from BioSolveIT GmbH. To access the software, you need an account verified via e-Mail. PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ACCEPT INSTITUTIONAL EMAIL ADDRESSES ONLY. We do not reply to mail accounts from generic mail providers like gmail, hotmail, gmx, etc.. Once registered, you can download all tools and request and extend keys with an annual run time. Your email address is stored on our computer exclusively for communication related to software licenses and updates.
- PhD students are not paid for creating software. In fact, they are most frequently not even paid for doing research.
The salary even in a rich country like Germany is much below that of a software developer.
License fees received by us are exclusively used to support academic research in the AMD group, i.e.:
- To improve the salary of PhD students
- To give travel grants to PhD students for participation on international conferences
- Creating and licensing software is a valid business. Thousands of computational chemists and computer scientists around the world work for enterprises offering software and related services. Free software destroys, or at least harms, this business.
- Academic software should be designed and developed in a sustainable fashion for several reasons. First of all, a scientific result should be reproducible. Second, the software production should be economic. Third, and most important, software development during a PhD project is an important training on the job. Producing sustainable software is, however, not for free. Substantial efforts are necessary to build up the required infrastructure for reviewing, testing and cross-compiling, and achieve the necessary level of code quality and documentation. License fees help to support this endeavor.